MHI Vestas Offshore Wind™ chooses Intellinova Parallel MB with SPM HD for V164
The MHI Vestas V164 wind turbine. Photo courtesy of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind.
In 2015, the largest MHI Vestas wind turbine to date, the V164 - 8MW, went into production. Following a long period of joint development work, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has decided to install Intellinova Parallel MB from SPM Instrument to deliver condition data to the overall condition monitoring system on this wind turbine, which is the world's largest and most efficient.
In order to take out insurance policies for wind farms, leading insurance companies often require the installation of approved or certified condition monitoring systems. Intellinova with the SPM HD shock pulse technology is approved for condition monitoring of wind turbines by German insurance company Allianz.
The measuring system, which has been tested and evaluated over an extended period at the V164 test site in Østerild in northern Denmark, is a high-performance online system that is very well suited for managing the special operating conditions of wind turbines, including very low rotational speeds. The system consists of four channels measuring in parallel, and three shock pulse transducers of type 44000 connected to the measuring system to monitor the turbine's two main bearings and the rotor side bearing of the planetary gearbox.
The first commercial units of the V164 offshore wind turbine were installed in 2016: at the Burbo Bank Extension wind farm in Liverpool Bay on the UK west coast, and at Måde near Esbjerg, Denmark. At Burbo Bank Extension, a total of thirty-two V164-8MW turbines are installed.
Since its launch, the V164-8MW turbine has been uprated, and the world’s most powerful serially produced wind turbine is now the V164-9.5 MW.
MHI Vestas Offshore Wind™ is a 50/50 joint venture established by its parent companies, Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Vestas) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI).
Maersk Line installs SPM online condition monitoring on container ships
Maersk Line container ships at sea. Photo: Maersk Line
In cooperation with its Danish distributor Idekon Technology ApS, SPM Instrument has received an order from the world's largest shipping company in container shipping, Danish Maersk Line, which has chosenIntellinova Compact for condition monitoring of generators and generator bearings.
For a ship at sea, power outages may pose a severe threat to crew, vessel and cargo. The risk of potential blackouts must be reduced by practically all means. The generators which are now monitored online are used for vessel power generation and are rated critical since they are essential for the safe operation of vessels, especially in confined waters.
Five ships with four generators per vessel have now been equipped with online condition monitoring. The scope of supply includes hardware along with the analysis software Condmaster Ruby Compact Edition. The turnkey solution included installation and training, all carried out by SPM service engineers. Installation, commissioning and training have been planned and implemented in close cooperation with the Maersk Line Ship Management Services Electrical Support team - a team which supports +250 Maersk Line owned vessels on a daily basis.
System configuration for engine room generators
“We are confident that by implementing the SPM online condition monitoring system, the Electric Power Supply system on the vessels will be operational at all times and timely actions can be taken when needed. Wear in the bearings, if not addressed timely, can result in reduced air gap between stator and rotor and in worst case end up in mechanical damage of the generators, having a high impact on vessel daily running costs. In addition, an online system will reduce the man hours necessary for planned maintenance inspections,“ support team representatives say.
Maersk Line and SPM Instrument share a common past. In 1965, shipowner and Maersk co-founder A.P. Møller employed an inventor to find a method for detecting defective cargo pumps before they broke down without forewarning. The inventor, Eivind Søhoel thus invented the Shock Pulse Method (True SPM®, patented in 1969) and SPM Instrument has been present in the maritime industry ever since.
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Automatisk overvågning - fedt dosering.
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Tilstandsovervågning med Intellinova® kan sikre korrekt og billigere vedligehold af lejer!
Ny kompakt 3G version af Intellinova® fra SPM er et godt alternativ til forebyggende vedlighold, som ofte er kostbart. Med Intellinova® får du kontinuerlig tilstandsovervågning, og dermed kan du nøjes med at skifte de dele som er nødvendigt!
Intellinova® Compact, som er udviklet af SPM Instrument, giver nu mulighed for 3G specielt i forbindelse med kontinuerlig online tilstandsovervågning af lejer f.eks. til pumpestationer og vindturbiner.